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Curriculum Philosophy

At Fremont Christian School, we believe in the power of a play-based approach to learning. It is our ultimate goal to have children be engrossed in the learning process and obtain a foundation in knowledge rather than memorization and rote learning. We work to achieve this through being aligned with best practices as set by Developmentally Appropriate Practices in conjunction with The National Association for the Education of Young Children

Classroom Schedules

The schedule of the day provides the framework for instruction. Over time, the schedule functions as the daily routine, providing children with a predictable environment that encourages engagement in the learning process. The classroom schedule is organized to provide a variety of approaches to learning that include a balanced offering of small-group, large-group, teacher-directed, and child-directed instruction, as well as an intentional balance of quiet, calm, active, and energetic opportunities to engage in the learning process.

Classroom Environment
As an instrumental component to our play-based approach to learning, the classroom environment is organized into the following learning centers, which support all core areas of learning and development. Each classroom may have additional learning centers as it pertains to the age and developmental stages of the children served:
  • Reading & writing centers: Early literacy and fine-motor development
  • Block & manipulative center: Early geometry, architecture, and engineering
  • Science & discovery center: Scientific method and early science experiences
  • Dramatic play xenter: Community building, social skills, and imagination
  • Art center: Introduction to art mediums and tools, imagination and creativity
  • Sensory center: Brain stimulation, imagination, and creativity
Teacher Instruction

As facilitators of learning, teachers utilize their knowledge of early childhood education to plan and organize an intentional learning environment, which includes the curriculum and necessary materials. Teachers enhance learning by providing a balanced approach of challenging opportunities for children to use their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Christian World View

We strive to teach children to view the world from a biblical perspective and to embrace learning, and God, as an intricate and entwined approach to living. Bible story, practical applications, songs and music, weekly chapel, and prayer are all critical components to our approaches to learning. Children are invited to get to know Jesus and Holy Spirit through genuine encounters embedded in our everyday. 

Teaching Pyramid

The Center for Social Emotional Foundations of Early Learning, in partnership with WestEd, has provided and integrated the Teaching Pyramid Model through professional development and coaching for every FCS preschool teacher. The Teaching Pyramid is a philosophical approach to building and maintaining meaningful relationships with young children, building friendship skills, and creating engaging and functional classroom environments, as well as intentional teaching practices to support social-emotional learning. Thirty years of research has indicated social-emotional development as the foundation to access higher-functioning learning and higher academic achievements that last a lifetime.

Handwriting Without Tears

The Get Set for School curriculum is designed to draw on the five senses and encourage active learning for our older three-year-olds and younger four-year-olds. By touching, seeing, hearing, speaking, and moving, children are better able to develop strong physical, social, emotional, and cognitive skills. 



National Association for the Education of Young Children
Center for Social Emotional Early Learning
Handwriting Without Tears
CA Toddler Learning Foundations
CA Preschool Learning Foundations

Big-School Opportunities in a Small-School Environment

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